Boxtor is very excited to announce that we were approached by Amax Marketing to publish an article on our journey as a group of companies into the world of containerised self storage supply, and how our Owner and MD Peter Coy became involved in the world of shipping containers over 50 years ago!
Our Sales & Operations director, Dominic Coy, also elaborates on how he became involved in the container industry 5 years ago, and what his plans are for the continual growth of Boxtor as a UK wide highly reputable and trusted supplier of new shipping containers.
Within this interview, we discover Peter’s rich history lapsing over 50 years and counting within the container industry, and what changes he has seen in both the French and UK self storage market.
Dominic discusses how Boxtor has grown organically over the past few years, and the long term goals he has for the business going forward.
We would like to thank the team at Amax Marketing and you can read the full article here.